Results 119 comments of Jakob Schöttl

That sounds weird. I see all my folders (except hidden folders starting with a dot). Is it the same problem on your iOS and on a desktop PC? Are you...

Thanks for the report! Can't test on iOS but on Android with Firefox, it works.

Hi Leon, I sometimes see blank pages in JS apps (not on iPhone though) when there are cache problems. Maybe you can try to clear the browser cache? You could...

I'd like to note that beside `counsel-ag`, also `counsel-rg`, `counsel-git-grep`, `counsel-grep`, … also don't work with the `ivy-restrict-to-matches` narrowing feature. Issue #2347 is related in a way. It suggests using...

Sorry for the late answer, I'll also share my solution: Put a file `markdown.vim` into `~/.vim/ftplugin/` with this content: ```vim function! s:SelectFencedCodeA() execute "normal! $?^````*$\V/^````*$\o" endfunction function! s:SelectFencedCodeI() call SelectFencedCodeA()...

Hi @jdhao > @schoettl I think we should use three backticks instead of four. My code allows three or more backticks. Actually, [it's even more special]( the fence must not...

Haha, browser-fs-access README says: > This library is a ponyfill. > Like polyfill but with pony pureness says: > Pony pureness, really? > While polyfills are naughty, ponyfills are...

You too, @munen, thanks for the very good collaboration :)

Let's use PR #181, we can both edit the description and check the todos as done there.

Good catch, that the config option is persisted in the config file! In my opinion, Organice – as a rolling release – could just change this option. - a migration...