Volker Bäurer
Volker Bäurer
With r1295 it is not working. There is still no file transfer possible at file-level. Because the filenames are hashed you can not automate it at file level. Best would...
I tried it twice. I restored my server to the state before updating and it was always the same result. Now I found the reason: 1.36.33: /usr/share/zoneminder/www/fonts/default.zmfnt 1.37.59: /usr/share/zoneminder/fonts/default.zmfnt After...
There is one question left. Why does the camera image only appear with a delay of about a minute after the URL is opened in the browser? https://mycamserver.de/zm/cgi-bin/zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=1&user=MyUser&pass=MyPass By using...
I dont have any errors in the apache2 logs nor in any other logfile. It is the same on Edge, Firefox and Chrome. I don't have any idea how to...
This URL has the same delay as a result: https://mycamserver.de/zm/index.php?view=watch&mid=1 It makes no difference using a separate tab
Thanks. I got you. In my case it is : https://mycamserver.de/zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&maxfps=&scale=100&state=1&monitor=1&auth=1315899ba107d0c2d0625ae643be8b5e&user=admin&rand=1713846240&connkey=308082. Logging from the console: 3.04.24, 06:56:13 MESZ | web_js | 646 | ERR | eval violated CSP script-src |...
No errors, only waiting for responding. 
I observed, restarting the zoneminder service causes about 4 seconds of delay while the website is kept open. Restarting the apache2 service causes a delay of about 36 seconds, where...
1. I dont know how to activate "safe mode". I am not running it in a docker container. 2. When opening with "mode=single", the picture ist shown immediately and by...
I checked this 01-system-paths.conf. I had the path configured here: ZM_PATH_LOGS=/var/log/zm. Perhaps it was an old error. I have the chrome extension error on EACH browser (edge, chrome, firefox): 30.04.24,...