Michael Schmitz

Results 20 issues of Michael Schmitz

Here's one way of allowing clients to create binary data. It also provides an easy method for svg->string. There's also the option to extend with an XML output format. However,...

`mvn hadoop:pack` does not include dependencies with `runtime` scope. It should since these dependencies will be needed during the execution of the Hadoop job. I will hopefully have time to...

Hi, you might want a more complicated filter than startsWith("hadoop"). It seems reasonable for a group to create a "hadoop-common" project under their own package "org.whatever". Maybe use package.startWith("org.apache.hadoop")? This...

See https://github.com/allenai/allennlp/pull/3642 for more context.

Contributions welcome

Hi, we have some of your regex's in AllenNLP and Python has been warning us about them for a while. https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-openai-transformer-lm/blob/master/text_utils.py#L30 ``` '''(-+|~+|!+|"+|;+|\?+|\++|,+|\)+|\(+|\\+|\/+|\*+|\[+|\]+|}+|{+|\|+|_+)''':1: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \? :1: DeprecationWarning:...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/954798/102943355-9b719100-446c-11eb-95d9-93564a12e082.png) https://demo.allennlp.org/named-entity-recognition/MjYxNDE1Mg==

Presently some of our models have contribution text, but it's not supported very cleanly. I think we should add an optional contributedBy field to the model object so we can...

These were built by research scientists, and while they are functional enough to buy us a best paper award at EMNLP, they don't meet the bar ReViz has set for...


The dropdown prompt to enter text or select an option, but it's only action is to select an option. It maybe should say something like "Enter text below or select...

Presently we show radio buttons, but this will soon become unweildy as we're adding more models.