Phillip Schmidt
Phillip Schmidt
@doronhi, the second model can be mounted on a tripod while the first one was designed for / adapted to the robot. Yes, it would be helpful and make it...
@palwanishan, thanks! @doronhi, please note the request above.
> Hi @schmidtp1 Looking at that section of code, it may be taking account of ROS using X-forward, Y-left, Z-up as its standard frame_id, whilst in the RealSense coordinate system...
> I will discuss this section of base_realsense_node.cpp code with my Intel RealSense colleagues. Thanks very much for your patience! thank you for your quick response, your insight and for...
> I will discuss this section of base_realsense_node.cpp code with my Intel RealSense colleagues. Thanks very much for your patience! to provide a bit more context, i suspect a bug...
@MartyG-RealSense, yes, #305 is related (thanks for finding it!) but the issue is stated there: "My initial guess was that flipping axes is a trick applying rotation, **however if it...
thanks, @MartyG-RealSense. please note that i still think there is a bug as pointed out in the results above. i hope this will be recognized and approved as a bug...
Thinking more about it, there is the RANSAC used in this case. I will look more into it (e.g. if the random seed can be set). Closing. (Please let me...
I believe the random seed is fixed by default. (Anyway I set a constant random seed for opencv.) But there is still a lot of variance. Can you provide any...
Thank you, that's good news! Thank you for looking into it! Closing.