André Schmer
André Schmer
Your url localhost:8080/open-ssp is incomplete. You nee put the servlet name behind it at least. So try localhost:8080/open-ssp/SupplyVideoService (consider the payload).
The class com.atg.openssp.core.entry.EntryValidator is used to extract and maybe validate the request params (payload). Actual it asks for only one parameter, called "site". It will be up to you to...
A new branch _incubator-freestar_ is available.
Did you try to debug your code? This OpenSSP is just a platform to develop an SSP. You may not expect run it and it will work out of the...
Hi all, the problem occurs in ProjectProperty.readFile() method. In some cases it couldn't determined if OpenSSP runs on a dev environment or production. Fixed in version 0.3.
Hi, you are right it is not tagged yet. The master branch ist v0.3.
Hi Roman, thanks for inform me. Did you run the app on server or local machine? Think the error occurs in detecting if the app starts on a local machine...