Philipp Schlegel

Results 75 issues of Philipp Schlegel

Hi Will, me again. Thanks for fixing the zfpc issue so quickly - that works now. Unfortunately another issue popped up: ```Python >>> vol = cv.CloudVolume(FLYWIRE_PRODUCTION_DATASET_URL, use_https=True, mip=0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError...


Hi Will! I'm aware that this is probably not directly relevant to what you guys are using cloud-volume for but would it be possible to get (read) support for the...


Hi! I just hit an issue with my test CI for `navis` running on GH actions. ```python >>> import cloudvolume as cv UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION: ImportError('zstd C API versions mismatch; Python...


Hi Will. I'm trying to access the Buhmann 2019 FAFB synapse data with cloud volume (see [this](!gs://fafb-ffn1/main_ng.json) neuroglancer instance). CloudVolume doesn't seem to like its path: ```Python >>> vol =...


Hi. This is a question that might lead into a feature/pull request. For various operations it would be useful to get a mesh vertex to L2 chunk ID mapping. That...


Hi, I'm trying to load some of the Janelia hemibrain EM image data but run into this issue: ```Python >>> vol = CloudVolume('precomputed://gs://neuroglancer-janelia-flyem-hemibrain/emdata/clahe_yz/jpeg', fill_missing=True) >>> vol[6300:6500, 20400:20600:, 14000] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError...


`connectors` are currently more-or-less hard-coded into `navis`. In the future we might need to be more flexible for when people want to associate other kinds of meta data with their...


`navis` has grown organically and I have spent only minimal thought on keeping things consistent across functions. For the next major version it would be nice if we could try...


Occasionally I find myself splitting neurons into axon & dendrites and then do the same with connectivity. While this is perfectly possible using Navis, it requires a fair bit of...