
Results 25 comments of scherepanov

Thanks you very much for explanation! It is not clear from your explanation - what does it mean "it takes time to build up efficiency" - is it a bigger...

I solved similar problem - break large zstd/lz4/lzma files for parallel processing, by extending zstd/lz4 framing format. I am breaking input data into large chunks (recomending 1MB), with each rec...

Experimental splittable API was not enough for me. I implemented my own extended version of splittable API. Here are reasons and some details: 1) My data have many formats, but...

Hi, I do have multiple monitors - 4 monitors in rather awkward positions - two one above other, two on sides roughly 3/4 height down. I found that Gnome built-in...

This repo is no longer active - go to gTile/gTile, fixed there

My bad Will issue fix over weekend, for my branch only

That error have been fixed in master several commits ago. If you install from, it still has an old code Install straight from github master.

As non-native English speaker, I reserve all rights to do speling errors and keep them forever.

Done on my branch

Discussion should include ownership of gTile on