Sven-Eric Schelhorn
Sven-Eric Schelhorn
Hello there, awesome package! It appears as if `fst` currently does not support character rownames, though. For practical and compatibility reasons it would be nice to be able to subset...
I was wondering if htslib/samtools support extraction of blocks of unaligned reads similar to what a bgzipped FASTQ file that has been indexed with grabix currently allows. This is relevant...
Hi there, since GDC release 23 there is a new readout for TCGA, 'Allele-specific Copy Number Segment'. It would be great if it were downloadable in TCGAbiolinks via: ```R query.cnv...
Gene fusions
Wicked fast indeed! Are there any plans to extend salmon to also detect gene fusion events? There isn't a fast and accurate way to do that yet, only approaches requiring...
## Feature Hi there, this is a hugely welcome addition to the R stack for the pharma community! Thanks so much for working on this. Apart from the issues which...
There seems to be an acknowledged incompatibility of the most recent `cufflinks 2.2.1` that makes it incompatible to certain (standard-compliant) SAM inputs. Specifically, one has to expect the critical `Error...
It would be great to have an option for getting every `n`th line as well.
Hi Leonardo, thanks for `recount3`; I was wondering whether there is a hack to produce the `RangedSummarizedExperiment` objects using `recount3::create_rse()` for only a subset of samples in a particular SRA...
The [gpboost]( package on CRAN by @fabsig explains itself as such: > **Combining Tree-Boosting with Gaussian Process and Mixed Effects Models** > An R package that allows for combining tree-boosting...
Great project! In case you are looking for new feature proposals: could we get a summary of the hacker news _comments_ as well, as in the new (which is...