Sebastian Schasse

Results 8 comments of Sebastian Schasse

not 100% stable, but i'm using this for the last months

Btw, I improved my plugin, renamed it and me and some friends are using it for quite a while. Check it out and tell me what you guys think.

Thanks. And sure, if you have a problem, just open an issue and I'll look into it!

Same here, ubuntu LTS 22.04 with wayland and gnome 42

Hey Lenbok, Thanks for the PR and thanks for being patient with me not responding... I didn't get to working on that, but I wanted to update you anyways. I...

:) I like that. And I of course thought about this right away from the beginning. The code is prepared. Nevertheless, it needs some effort from my side and since...

If more people find this attractive, it would nudge me to make this a higher priority.