Oh 😮 I don't have this issue on macOS: Maybe this is an error of floating point precision in texture position. Thanks for the video by the way, I can...
Why not. But as I understood it seems to be a new game engine. It means also that we need to find how to decrypt the data, maybe @atom0s can...
> Had some extra time tonight to take another look. The above info I gave was everything needed. The XOR decryption used on the other game works for this one...
You don't think it's an archive format ? It seems to contain several files inside (not sure), and I suppose that the script is human readable.
There are also .bank files like and which are mysterious. Do you know what it contains @atom0s or how to decrypt it ?
OK thank you @atom0s , and can you decode the different opcodes in dinky files ? This is the main issue to start to work on Delores.
I understand, do you know someone who can help on this ? Anyway thank you for all your help.
Wow look here
> Lacks the C++ source currently, but based on their blog post, it seems like he plans to release that eventually too. I'm not sure... He said > Releasing the...
I had bad experience asking him some question about his engine, my post has been removed. So if anyone else wants to try, he is welcome. That's sad, because I'm...