Shai Caspin
Shai Caspin
I'm running into similar issues trying to implement a queue/vec wrapped in a TCell/Tptr. "get" doesn't work since those collections don't inherently implement the copy marker, and borrow_mut doesn't work...
Thanks! I'm stuck on a small issue where I have the locks in order in a vector or iterator (sorted using a priority queue), but I'm not sure how to...
I'm still running into the same issue as above where I can't return a flatmap of a standard vector. You can see my attempted changes here for src/internal/ epoch_locks() in...
When the priority queue types are returned using ".to_sorted_vec()" only the locks are returned in order without priorities (that's why I translate to vector first and then iterator, since the...
Ended up bypassing this issue by just sorting on every call to epoch_locks(). Not a super elegant solution but it allowed me to not deal with the return statements in...