Hi, thanks for this great library! In the most of modern design/graphic programs, there's a common behavior which is very handy, especially when using touchpad and/or Apple magic mouse: When...
Hi, firstly thanks for this cool library. If the number of jobs being created is not too much, this library is perfect. I wanted to use this library in a...
Hi there, First of all, thank you to the every single contributor of this perfect library! You're doing a perfect job! It's definitely making our lives easier while dealing with...
Hi, I think if `kill!` command could take a `*message` argument it would be cool. Currently there isn't such an implementation, is there? I'm getting what I want in this...
There is a critical vulnerability in [protobujs]( It's causing npm audit to fail and causing many CI/CD pipelines to fail. When should we expect a new version with the fixed...