- [x] Updated the alpha release v4.13.3-alpha1 package
- **RTU UI** - Refactored code of the action sheet menu for saving document options in both iOS and android. - Fixed the breaking change for OCR and PDF as...
HotFix changes for Xamarin Document scanner SDK 4.2.1 - PDF | OCR: Fixed the breaking changes - Added a new option for CreateSandwichPDF
- Fixed naming for Recognise to Recognize - iOS: Fixed an issue for passing wrong outputUrl.
- Fixed the breaking changes - Added the Parametric Filters new listing page - WIP - Added the Added new item on the Listing screen for Pick Document Image and...
- Used the new property DocumentFileImageSource from IScannedPage object to consume PDF, OCR and TIFF. - Removed the casting of FileImageSource. - Renamed the Database method name from UpdateAsync to...