Stéphane Camhaji
Stéphane Camhaji
Thanks for your answer. I've added this line in PassThroughViewController.m (around line 52) : `[EZOutput sharedOutput].clientFormat = [EZMicrophone sharedMicrophone].audioStreamBasicDescription;` Unfortunately, this leads to an error : `Error: Failed to set...
The soundflower virtual card is open source and can be found here:
Hi, did you have a chance to look into this issue?
In the meantime, I managed to make it work by replacing line 83 in file `lib/youtransfer.js`: Replace: `var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport();` with: `var transporter = null;` It worked for me....
Well, we have to consider different use cases: 1) Without Apache (or Nginx or any kind of reverse proxy) 1a) with dropzone.forcefallback=false 1b) with dropzone.forcefallback=true 2) With Apache 2a) with...
You have to change line 19 but also line 410. Here is a diff. (for a custom port=23456): ``` 19c19 < "--rsync-options=-e \"/usr/bin/ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oBatchMode=yes -p 22 -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_miab\"", ---...