Droplet copied to clipboard
Cloud storage client library
turned on/off in profile
On Lion 10.7.1, getline() is already present in the libc and getopt() strictly requires optind to be set to 1 instead of 0 on linux. Moreover the previous patch we...
MACOS/X port
If connection: close is provided. This can happen when behind a proxy server.
For now we are limited to 1000 files per buckets.
the convenience function shall use the new version of dpl_list_bucket() with marker parameter and take a callback param. The function does the job of using the marker parameter properly.
Hello Inside one of my buckets, I copied a directory named Q&A which contains a few files. I am unable to list the contents of such a directory, the output...
Hello, I created (by error) a file with a strange name (composed of tabs, 'h', '0' and maybe others?) on the bucket foobar with the account dpineau. Since then I...