
Results 7 issues of sc00

Hi, I've been trying to use scrollreveal in the context of Sveltekit. It's not working however. The ScrollReveal object looks good to me - elements with the associated classes are...

Third Party

Hi, I have troubles using the plugin with SvelteKit. Despite using an init function (like shown in the example) in the onMount-Hook, I get an error of "window is not...

I'd like to load ColorAlpha as a dependency in my plugin. I've tried to use... ``` require_once plugin_dir_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'includes/class-color-alpha.php'; ``` ... in includes/class-my-plugin.php with the...

Hi, would you recommend using the subscribe feature over updating the UI directly in the frontend in terms of performance and/or efficiency? What do you consider best practice? I'm currently...

Hey folks, according to the console, my audio track is being played successfully: reference back to player: whether song play completed successfully: true I hear no sound in simulator (iOs)...

**Describe the bug** When printing using the window.print() method in the context of MacOS, page margins as well as dialog options differ from Safari. Margins are significantly larger and paper...

type: feature request
platform: macOS

I'm trying to make easy-scroll work via import. After installing it via cli I tried multiple ways of importing but always get an error: 1) import easyScroll from 'easy-scroll'; TypeError:...