Jie Li
Jie Li
能支持es5的最高版本是哪个呢,看changelog是3.8.0? @Maizify
@Maizify 就是最新版本中有es6和proxy语法,我看最新版本肯定是不支持es5了,想知道一个能支持es5和非proxy的最低版本
v3.8.1 - v3.6.0 中没有proxy代码,但是在IE11会报错 throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, "+e+" required"),是symbol的报错;所以也不能用;想用一个能适配webpack5的版本就没有了
can pixijs V7 fix this?
> Does anyone have a reproduction of this? this cannot reproduce in our devices, but we received some sentry errors about this; the stack trace seems like after loader complete...
` "pixi-spine": "3.1.2", "pixi.js": "6.4.2", ` import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'; import { Spine } from 'pixi-spine'; this.app = new PIXI.Application({ width: document.documentElement.clientWidth, height: document.documentElement.clientHeight, antialias: true, transparent: true,...
@kulabros we got this error events and device types, most for iOS 16 and iOS17.0
sometimes S3 can't access HEAD request as preflight request, it should be OPTIONS method, could this corsEnabled function judge condition using OPTIONS method?