Stefan Buschmann
Stefan Buschmann
- [ ] Fix demo stages and pipelines - [ ] Select list of representable examples - [ ] Remove RenderStage tag from other (internal) stages
Implement settings dialog with at least the following categories: - General (theme, debug mode) - Plugins (Plugin search paths, rescan plugins, list plugins by type) - Input (Input devices, map...
- [x] Implement basic property editor UI - [ ] Implement property editors for - [x] int - [x] float - [x] bool - [x] FilePath - [ ] enum...
- [ ] Make it possible to create or load also 1D and 3D textures (and cubemaps?)
- [x] Derive Drawable from AbstractDrawable - [x] Derive RenderPass from AbstractDrawable - [ ] Rename Drawable (e.g., Geometry) ? - [x] Adjust input and output types of the respective...
- [ ] Extend canvas class to support screenshot and video export - [ ] Create interface to control the virtual time (e.g., add timeDiff to update method, calculate if...
- [ ] Qt 5.4: Pressing the menu button again should close the menu - [ ] Qt 5.4: Make property menu items - [ ] Qt 5.7: Proper background...
- [ ] Carefully review all basic stages - [ ] Revise used data types - [ ] onContextDeinit() must be used! - [ ] Design and document best practices
- [ ] Add onUpdate to separate processing (update) from painting (render) - [ ] Review stage execution logic with onUpdate
When converting "gloperate-logo.png" into a glraw texture, the default output name was "gloperate-logo.501.168.rgba.ub.glraw". This file could not be loaded with GlrawTextureLoader, propably because the detected suffix contains more than just...