Stefan Buschmann
Stefan Buschmann
I don't understand what is meant by this at all. Please explain it a bit more detailed.
Thank you for the PR. However, I would not call this a "spell error". You are replacing one command (target_link_libraries) with another command (target_link_options). This command did not exist before...
Yes, the current behavior of detecting system-dir installs by comparing with /usr or /usr/local does not work with the described use case. I think your solution is fine for the...
I'm fine with updating. I'm not on track with new versions of cmake, but in general, I prefer supporting relatively current versions and not trying to keep compatibility with old...
Do we have a general concept for handling external dependencies (cmake's ExternalProject, or Conan, or ...)? Depending on system packages for external C++ dependencies is also not very nice ......
only for cppexpose and gloperate, because I was lazy. I can try again setting it for all of them ...
Okay, so I compiled everything with visibility=default. The viewer does not crash anymore, so the strange problem with dynamic_cast seems to be gone. The problem in Stage.inl still exists, I...
Yes, as I mentioned in my first post, sometime typeid fails, sometimes dynamic_cast, it's pretty much unpredictable. This time, FilePath was not the problem, but Texture. Unless I have done...
That's not a stupid question at all :) But I'm not testing with an external project, all I said happens with gloperate-viewer and the standard demos (ShapeDemo).