Stefan Buschmann
Stefan Buschmann Does anyone know/remember, why testing with gtest on mingw fails? I uncommented this and got strange cmake errors, I gues this is why it is disabled. But can't find...
- [ ] Add function to collect and install dependencies - [ ] Create app-bundles on macOS - [ ] Use Fixup_Bundle
Provide an 'uninstall'-target that removes all installed files
Rewrite plugin system, so that * [x] Plugins register their components on load * [ ] Plugins do not need to expose any functions anymore * [ ] Checks for...
This pull request contains a number of fixes or rather workarounds that were needed on my macos system to somehow repair rendering with gloperate. It seems that the type infos...
The property option 'hidden' should be set for all render target inputs and outputs, as it makes no sense to display a property editor for them
- [ ] Instead of rendering into the given fbo and setting the rendered-output, allow one or several RenderTarget outputs - [ ] Implement blitting in canvas (needs selection of...
- [ ] Implement missing targets - [ ] Add semantics (e.g. color, depth, id, position, normal, custom)
To make gloperate compatible with gcc 4.8 again, I head to replace the used std::regex with cppassist functionality. The new implementation has to be tested thoroughly.