bc9308c resolves my issues
> > It would be very interesting if the Items are not lost, but just hidden. > > You use the `CraftingWithContainers `mod - is it possible that it also...
It can happen if you have to walk through a player built out portion of the map to get to your bounty as well The lag or de sync will...
``` [HarmonyPatch(typeof(StoreGui), nameof(StoreGui.Awake))] [HarmonyPrefix] public static bool Awake_Pretfix(StoreGui __instance) { if("Auga"))return false; if (!Auga.Assets.StoreGui) return true; if (Auga.HasBetterTrader) { return true; } Auga.Assets.StoreGui = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(Auga.Assets.StoreGui, __instance.gameObject.GetComponentInParent(), false); return true; }...
Same, Prev release at least lit up the ACT light (2.3.2) 2.3.3 does not light anything on my adapter board