I suppose this could get renamed to something like "Generic CAN rebroadcasting"
Works grand thanks for this :D
This is reality now in V1.0.2 was just messing with it
I have been working out why this happens during the public test release of the caves edition and it's been kind of a stumper because the mono script for the...
if you wanna do this i had to do some shader stencil shifting to change the masking behavior of the map the code is on my git
> Thank you one and all for making clutter & buildit mod's work. Ever since the last update with Auga, the interfaces been working fine for me. Also still testing...
protip just jump when this happens it happens to me when waves go over X height on player if the water is semi calm this works fine
personally still trying to track down the source of this one as I suffer it as well I am leaning towards the belief tis another mod interfering at this point...
Waiting for it to post latest ver I am on is compiled from your git source looked like my most recent hash for that portion was b483142e5fbc63d9b59e29fa1c48170c64213bf7 I will update...
> The latest is [bc9308c](, sorry I made this post before I pushed SO far so good cannot replicate previous scenario at all will have some of my players update...