Samir Boulema

Results 45 comments of Samir Boulema

Unfortunately no news on C++ support. I'm not a C++ developer so it will be difficult for me to correctly write the parsing logic. So I am afraid I do...

Wow sounds weird! How many classes are in your file? Can you share the file? CodeNav should show a scrollbar for long files: ![image](

Unfortunately the slowdown is a known issue that I am still trying to solve. You can read some more here on which options might be a workaround for you:

Great to hear that you like CodeNav! Unfortunately the slowdown is a known issue that I am still trying to solve. You can read some more here on which options...

Thanks for reporting. Have seen this bug myself a couple of times, but I can't seem to reproduce it consistently.

Thanks for the nice words! Collecting some links here while investigating how to add the extra languages: _Does not support .NET Framework 4.8_

Grab the new release for CSS support 🚀 !

Good suggestion! Step 1 would be to find a way to parse the structure from the file. For C#/VB CodeNav uses So I would need a similar nuget package...

Sorry to hear CodeNav is crashing for you :( What do you mean exactly with going to the properties of project? Do you mean opening the csproj file and then...

Possible solution: