Stefan Post
Stefan Post
I figured that I might as well create a PR for this. See #281
You can do this: val factory = new ConnectionFactory { setHost(connectionParams.hosts.head.getHost) setPort(connectionParams.hosts.head.getPort) setUsername(connectionParams.username) setPassword(connectionParams.password) setVirtualHost(connectionParams.virtualHost) } val connectionActor = system.actorOf(ConnectionActor.props(factory), "connection-actor")
Reading your question again, I see your question is about multiple hosts. Indeed there is currently no clean way to set these. A workaround would be to extend the ConnectionFactory...
I don't think so. For that we probably need to create loggers inside of those actors. We would have to check if we can use the existing eco-system of Akka...
Digging a bit deeper, it seems you can add your own logger to the akka.loggers configuration, after which akka will subscribe it to the event bus. This gives you the...
If rabbitmq goes offline for a short moment of time (small network glitch for instance), the fallback mechanism is to queue messages in memory for as long as it is...
A version 5.0.4-beta has been released. While the changes aren't directly related to your problem, it might change the behaviour you are seeing. But as mentioned before, akka-rabbitmq can only...
This is by design. If the connection breaks, the channel actors are supposed to stay alive so that after the library internally reconnects, those channel actors can be supplied with...
@ennru Also notifying you then ;-)
@ennru I am afraid not at the moment. I am very time limited mostly due to personal circumstances. If this situation changes, I might be able to give it a...