Balamurugan Soundararaj
Balamurugan Soundararaj
Check if this fits the purpose.
you can add script as a tag in the ui.r `tags$head(tags$script(" Your JS Code "))` or `tags$head(HTML(" Your JS Code "))`
Fair suggestion. The tricky part is the location and driving distance. I am currently using google sheets to do this. Need to implement this in Python using their API.
This is brilliant! :D
Should we integrate this into this project as an additional UI option? Or do you want to maintain as a separate app with this repo as a dependency? I am...
Cool! Feel free to pr/commit the changes whenever it is ready. I am keen to work with flutter in the future as well. Meanwhile, I'll work on the existing feature...
I was planning to do this until RTA website blocked my home network. Essentially, this has to be implemented as a config setting, a different result file (eg. result_dkt.json) and...