I am seeing the same problem, but on Debian. h264 fails to export frames, audio only. If I use h265 I get frames, but then others have trouble viewing the...
I can confirm that the daily build from Feb 19 does export video in h264. Thanks!
Thank you for the feedback, but I still am having trouble understanding the result discrepancies. How does this work in Github Actions? Dependabot can't access private registries from there, but...
Upon Brett's recommendation in the above ticket, I created a personal ticket #2876981 Leaving this one open in case you want to use it for tracking the CLI side of...
FYI, I have lumped in with my request for logs, which was about dependabot performance. virtual-care-manager finally finished scanning with dependabot/cli. It took 23.5 hours, and failed in an...
It is possibly DNS related, but not temporary, as I still see this error. I wonder if the docker containers need additional information to resolve the DNS. Please note: The...
Could the issue be similar to #113 where we need to specify a host and/or port to the proxy container? Keep in mind that this is docker-in-docker. I've tried to...