Stephan Biastoch
Stephan Biastoch
The bug also breaks relative links in html and markdown, there is always `#` prefixed.
Hey @kmewhort, thanks a lot for this cool improvement! I just set up Github Actions - can you rebase and verify the tests are all passing?
Hi yasirazgar, thanks for your PR! Sorry for having this PR still open, we need to check first if this introduces any breaking changes in our software. Best, Stephan
Maybe your database user is a superuser? In this case RLS is bypassed. See [postgres docs]( > Superusers and roles with the BYPASSRLS attribute always bypass the row security system...
Hi, yes, please feel free to open a PR, much appreciated :-)
I would love to see this, we also just faced this.
This is actually a very nice idea! We face the same issues like you described, which makes schema modifications here and there a bit brittle. The only issue I see...