Sidney Batchelder
Sidney Batchelder
If a media type has a 'pixel-resolution ratio' as defined/discussed in issue #1836, a new hand-tool should be made available in the annotation view: the ruler. This tool would allow...
Various imagery requires a meter for the viewer to be able to ascertain the size/scale of the imagery. This primarily relevant to imagery of a planar nature, like microscopy or...
The relative sizes of Localizations is important to my users, but the gallery view as it stands scales each thumbnail to fit and fill its containing row-column cell. Although there's...
Localization queries and State queries should have a "sort-by: random" option. This can be used with the paginate function which would allow a user to pull a "random sample of...
Color Mapping for Localization Bounding Box (and other Localization datatypes) is limited. A LocalizationType can only have one color associated with it. It's the active color only, and it applies...
My users have a preferred workflow, but setting up filters to correctly navigate between the localizations and states they care about takes time and can be a source of error...
Moving between different entity types in the annotation view for a given frame (eg Localization and frame States) requires going back and forth between the different entity panels. My users'...
When paginating to a new page in the Localizations Gallery View, it takes a short time for the old images to be updated by the new ones. This is particularly...