Stephane B.
Stephane B.
Will leave this here instead of opening another bug but for people looking out to fix this, the nodejs_from_package is ignoring the version, so specifying another version than the original...
Can reproduce the issue using Mockito 5.10.0 and ByteBuddy 1.14.12 (or 1.14.11), I had to stick with 4.11.0 which works fine. This does not work running on a vmware fusion...
@ascopes I will try to find time to investigate this week and either debug or provide a way to reproduce easily
Update :when debugging, I found the bytebuddy system property`net.bytebuddy.agent.attacher.dump` that can be used to have a dump of what the process fails with. So you can run ``` mvn test...
Also adding for context that SELinux is NOT enabled `getenforce` ``` Disabled ``` `sestatus` ``` SELinux status: disabled ```
I have managed to reproduce the issue and narrowed it down to a file attribute issue. In my current vmware/ubuntu/vagrant setup, I have nfs to share code between the host...
The JVM checks in the working directory for the file it creates named `.attach_pid` file, the issue is actually visible in the JVM debug log (just needed to know where...