Sérgio Bacelar

Results 12 issues of Sérgio Bacelar

I may be wrong but I think $A and $B below should be changed like this: ``` $A = \{(R,G)\} => P(A) => \frac{3}{6}$ $B = \{(R,G),(R,B),(R,W)\} => P(B) =...

Message: Unable to connect to iDevice. Debug info: calibre 2.26 isfrozen: True is64bit: True Darwin-11.4.2-i386-64bit Darwin ('64bit', '') ('Darwin', '11.4.2', 'Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:26:45 PDT 2012;...

The link from `these instructions` to `Sourceforge` is dead.

I tried both running scimax.sh file and simply cloning git file. In both cases I am not being able to download 'org', 'gnu' and 'melpa' archives. I get the following...

To cross-reference figures, display equations, tables and sections.

After downloading a file I used SELECT and FILTER and I have done other data transformations. I have used `codes` and not `labels` but in the end I want my...


Specially in `starter-kit-bindings` and `starter-kit-misc` (`minimal-mode`). Could not solve it even after commenting references to `minimal-mode`.

Anyone can explain to me please what is the possible reasons and what can I do with the errors I receive when testing `Homebrew` @staticfloat: ``` (agent-env) pkg> test Homebrew...

In MatLab I found code of the type: ``` function[x, y]=foo(a,b,c) if nargin < 3 # do something end if nargin < 2 # do another thing end end ```...

I had no problems installing `chemacs` on Linux and switching between different `emacs` distributions with the same config. But on `Windows 10` I only can open emacs default (typing emacs)...