Sourabh Bajaj

Results 19 comments of Sourabh Bajaj

Since your work already exists, I'm not sure if there is value in duplicating the effort since your repo should be the source of truth for that.

Ah might have missed that. Let's go for it then 👍 Thanks for taking this on.

Related to #143, tagging so the issues get linked

@kshitij10496 Sure, if you see anything that is outdated or missing. Please file issues or create a PR as you see fit.

@etiennemtl that is a great idea. Would you be able to create a PR for that ?

@etiennemtl Whenever you have time should work fine.

+1 to these points.

Sounds like a great idea. I agree we could start with the basics and slowly build this over time.

@sdavara do you want to make a PR to take this on ?