
Results 9 comments of 想出网名啦

![图片](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55868015/128641931-a2fe3dda-fee6-4167-97fe-04671a024274.png) 用这个配置, 解密结果还可以

> https://github.com/stm32-rs/stm32f1xx-hal/blob/master/examples/nojtag.rs sorry that this example still doesn't work. PA15 is working fine but PB3, PB4 not

UPDATE: `STM32F103C8T6` works fine, but `STM32F103RBT6` not.

it maybe means "replace it to something what do you like", because it just a template

不是哦~ 但是咱语文水平极差,写不下去了quq

> 娇娇咱 胶胶咱

> 如果有一个页面可以让其他人对新添加的词语进行投票,每过一段时间对一定投票数以上的新加结果入库或者进入下一阶段的人工审核,投票需要用一些身份验证的方式(例如wx登录或者qq登录,只是用于防止刷票),是不是可以好一些? 建议用github登录, 门槛低
