Sayan Maity
Sayan Maity
Target name=> Android 4.2.2 OpenCV-2.4.4-android-sdk/ Open CV manager 2_4_2 & 2_4_4 both installed I am not sure about which library to use thus compile the .cpp for all possible library,...
Hi, Ajay191191 Just Wandering do you have any suggestion for me
Nagarameshwar I think it would be easier for U to debugg the problem if U go through some sample of Native Android and OpenCV android simple application. here are the...
@Ajay191191 quick question its not related to the issue this app is of Face recognition or detection as the name revealed is Face recognition but tin the read me...
@Ajay191191 ..Hi, was wandering have u got a chance to verify the issue I was facing, i.e. In Log cat its showing native_takePicture failed...when I was pressing the capture button...
Dear @Ajay191191 ...I really appreciate your quick response...Could U please elaborate the problem due to "camera libraries"..I mean any link where the problem and the way to solve been discussed...
@Ajay191191 ..Okay I will give a shot ..hope for the best this time...I will let U know the outcome..Thanks a lot
@Nagarameshwar...hey man thanks for conforming...lets try to solve it
@Nagarameshwar I initially post the issue for this problem only.... stuck in the same position
@Nagarameshwar ... R u able to view the picture preview...I mean in the main form, after pressing the Take Picture Button for me a black screen is appearing no camera...