Satyam Jay
Satyam Jay
Hello, I am also using Unity 4.27, and I am unable to reproduce your results. I have followed the instructions till "Add the OpenDRIVE file to your level". And I...
Sorry I misunderstood the goal of the project. What does sculpting do? When I click on sculpt landscape, it creates a depression in the landscape which looks like the opendrive...
Thank You for replying. "Generating 3D from OpenDRIVE" is what I wanted to do, but I want the tool to be in UE4 and not rely on any external softwares....
I am facing the same issue. To fix this I did the following:- mv /tmp/.create-expo-app/template-cache/@rneui/rneui-template-4.0.0-rc.7.stable-ts.tgz /tmp/.create-expo-app/template-cache/@rneui/template-4.0.0-rc.7.stable-ts.tgz
Since composite pks are not supported as of now, what I have done is:- Wrote migration script with raw sql to drop the primary key constraint on id, and add...