Satrajit Ghosh

Results 73 issues of Satrajit Ghosh

@trungdong in prov/ the way literal comparison is implemented, it results in: `pm.Literal(10, datatype=pm.XSD_DECIMAL) != pm.Literal(10.0, datatype=pm.XSD_DECIMAL)` is that intended?

i could not find any explicit reference in the documentation to validating a zarr store, hence opening this issue. we are supporting zarr nested directory stores as a file type...

``` python import rdflib as rl g = rl.Graph() g.bind('ex', '') g.bind('ex2', '') g.add((rl.term.URIRef(''), rl.RDF.type, rl.term.URIRef(''))) print(g.serialize(format='turtle').decode()) print(g.serialize(format='json-ld').decode()) ``` returns ``` @prefix ex: . @prefix ex2: . @prefix rdf: ....

first off, the wiki pages are looking great. and second off thanks for the new release. as part of a project [neurodocker](, @kaczmarj has built ANTs releases here:

notes about usage

for labeling structures in the brain: 1. joint fusion labeling (e.g., with mindboggle atlases) 2. template/label unwarping using antsCorticalThickness outputs (e.g., with mindboggle template +jointfusion atlas) are there other methods...

### Summary i have seen some datasets converted that have TODOs but pass the validator, but fail when people are trying to run downstream scripts/workflows. i think heudiconv should intentionally...


i'm taking an image and simply changing the zoom with this: `epi_2mm_nii = resample_to_output(epi0, (2,2,2))` and then plotting the before and after with the niworkflows display module. this results in...

When an image is written out by nibabel, it tries to fit the range of the data into the datatype of the file. in certain instances this could result in...

a nipy script demonstrating each of the following would be very useful. if anybody can point me in the right neighborhood i can create some of these scripts (after next...

we now have centos 7.2 with an updated shadowutils installed, but running into a forking error. vagga git hash: gf875e05 uname: Linux node053 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Mar 6 11:36:42...