
Results 22 comments of 砂糖梨子

> how about using something like `萬國碼之一萬兩千三百零一` to represent `\u300d`, i.e. `」` 草

Socialite requires a "redirect", if not provided, an error will occur. ``` 1/1 ErrorException in SocialiteManager.php line 240: Undefined index: redirect in SocialiteManager.php line 240 at HandleExceptions->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: redirect',...

That doesn't work. The request in Leo108\CASServer\OAuth\Weibo\Plugins\WeiboPlugin::getOAuthUser requires a "redirect_uri" too, otherwise you get an error like this, ``` 1/1 AuthorizeFailedException in AbstractProvider.php line 439: Authorize Failed: {"error":"redirect_uri_mismatch","error_code":21322,"request":"\/2\/oauth2\/access_token","error_uri":"\/2\/oauth2\/access_token"} in AbstractProvider.php...

@leo108 Please also update these two packages to avoid broken dependencies. https://github.com/leo108/php_cas_server_oauth_weibo/blob/592d659534d3ab1895c4eb826eeff2af250e74a4/composer.json#L20 https://github.com/leo108/php_cas_server_oauth_wechat/blob/89d17c8d2d95e97672f3f26a5e3f0061dd420410/composer.json#L21

I have been watching this project for years, derived from the Peco age. Then Peco got abandoned and merged into this Saber. The core features I've been looking for was:...

I have the same problem that I'm able to get an ipv6 address but cannot access to ipv6. Is there any solution?

这里的原因是我们先运行的 SpaceCorrector,然后才运行的 CharacterCorrector 1. `这是一段(测试)文字` 初始文本。 2. `这是一段 (测试) 文字` 运行 SpaceCorrector 时,会在中文和半角字符之间加上空格 3. `这是一段 (测试)文字` 运行 CharacterCorrector 时,会把中文**后面**的半角字符变成中文字符

好吧,我自己写了一个 😃 https://github.com/rikakomoe/copywriting-correct

啊,我看到隔壁有这个 [issue](https://github.com/leo108/php_cas_server/issues/15) 了,所以不打算在这个项目里支持是嘛 我感觉协议定义的挺详细的呀

应该请求的 url 是定义在 [registered-services](https://apereo.github.io/cas/4.2.x/installation/Service-Management.html#registered-services) 里的 `logoutUrl`,当然这个里面并没有按照它来实现 > The session identifier is the CAS service ticket ID that was provided to the service when it originally authenticated to CAS. https://apereo.github.io/cas/4.2.x/installation/Logout-Single-Signout.html#slo-requests