Sat Naing

Results 23 comments of Sat Naing

Hello @davlgd Thanks for your PR. Just one thing, `` component has been used in other pages as well (such as index, about etc). Is it ok to include `structured...

Your integration seems to eliminate render-blocking font resource from the site. Great! Just made a comment on the fallback section. Apart from that, everything's good.

Hello @antoniods , Sry for my late reply. Do you still have that problem? Are you able to solve that? Plz let me know.

Hello @michealch Thanks for your contribution. When I try running this, I've got the following warning (although it is working as expected) ```bash WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does...

Yep. Could be great. I'll consider this feature after v4. 👀

Thanks for your suggestions. At the moment, I've been busy with [AstroPaper]( for Astro's next launch, [my new e-commerce project]( and my job. So, I can't focus on this immediately....

Hello, Sorry for my late response. I placed the Google Site Verification code inside the .env file to allow users to easily add their site verification without the need to...

Currently, might not support i18n out of the box in AstroPaper. (#1, #57) Maybe adding a section in docs for i18n would help? What do you think?

Thank you for bringing up this concern about the use of "canonical URL". If you have any further suggestions or concerns, please feel free to share them. Also, if you...

Great idea. One thing about this is that some users might see this confusing even though titles of `draft` posts in DEV mode start with the word `"DRAFT: "`. Better...