Satish Nair
Satish Nair
Sorry @pkourany , I could not get the Arduino wrapper for this feature added in the core-firmware repo as planned. The error you are getting is because of the "INT"...
Before implementing the OTA/WLAN based DFU, we have the following things in place: 1)Integration of working SPI Flash driver with DFU codebase. 2)Integration of working CC3000/WLAN driver with DFU codebase....
Sure, will try to get my hands on that eBook. On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Zachary Crockett [email protected]: > We should use approach 3, sending the data...
I have a suggestion on the partition of our Internal Flash structure. Currently we have: 1)DFU code (USB:complete + OTA:under development)at the start of Flash at address 0x08000000 (28KB reserved)...
All the executable code(usb-dfu, ota-dfu & marvin) will be organized in Internal flash. The External Flash will just contain the backup copies of working marvin code. With a fresh core...
Sounds good. During production, all the binaries can be combined together into a single file and programmed at one go. On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:01 PM, andyw-lala [email protected]:...
I don't see a need to program External Flash during production. The External Flash will be erased and programmed with the back copy of the marvin code when the OTA-DFU...
Agree with you Zach. Zac, can you please create a new project "ota-dfu" on Github and also rename existing "dfu" project to "usb-dfu" if possible ? Thanks, Satish.
Merged in latest master changes
Used "Winmerge" utility to manually merge the differences. Tested using the latest patch. Everything seems to be working normal. Will test further before letting you know if this can be...