Satish Duggana
Satish Duggana
@raju-saravanan After thinking through the reported issue more , I realized that these changes may not be really needed except for having validation of with right values. Put a...
@xufuture protobuf encoded messages contain information about schema and it may not require for users to pass schema version ids etc with the payload. IMHO, SchemaRegistry is still useful for...
If it needs to be handled ourselves then one possible approach with basic details - Create a table like bootstrap_state(id int, varchar server) and id as PK/UK - Insert an...
@burandobata This is already on master and it will be part of next release.
@burandobata Next release is not yet planned. I will update through google groups when it is planned.
@dmsolow Including existing schemas is supported with [includeSchemas]( attribute in schemas. I hope it solves the scenario you mentioned in earlier comment.
@dmsolow Existing `SchemaResgitryClient` APIs does not return resultant schemas.. Avro deserializer internally resolves schemas with the mentioned attribute [here]( You need to do something similar to build resultant schemas using...
@snemuri Which version of registry/HDP are you using? Currently, schema-registry uses hadoop 2.7.1 dependencies. I am able to start registry successfully, which is configured with HDFS(HDP-2.6.3).
@snemuri HDF 3.0.x has phoenix dependency which was getting hadoop-2.5.1 libs. Are they using any custom serializer/deserializer libraries in their environment other than default avro ser/des that comes with registry?...
No ambari dependency to create service pools. You can add storm/zk/kafka etc with manual service pool configuration by giving respective component's configuration.