
Results 32 issues of Sati

I wrote a `get_nodes_with_heading` function in `` for my own project so that one can easily zoom-in on nodes with a certain heading in the loaded document. # Example Usage:...

我想利用「結巴」幫忙辨認穴位名稱,以便在網頁上做超連結的標示。中間遇到一個問題,想請各位幫幫忙。 ```py # 專詞 word_list = ["陽溪", "曲池", "臍中"] # 例句 s1 = "(手三里)在前臂背面橈側,當陽溪與曲池連線上,肘橫紋下2寸。" s2 = "(中脘)在上腹部,前正中線上,當臍中上4寸。" s3 = "(神闕)在腹中部,臍中央。" for word in word_list: jieba.add_word(match[0], freq=1, tag="nz") jieba.cut(s1) jieba.cut(s2) jieba.cut(s3)...

I get the following warning when running on ruby-2.7.2. ``` jekyll-org.rb:26: warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated ``` Frontmatter in `org` format doesn't seem to be...

Can `easy-jekyll ` be configured to work with [jekyll-org](


As above. The text, when copied when pasted from somewhere else, do show. But CJK input IME somehow doesn't seem to work normally at the new task input window. ![2018-04-09...

Is it possible to add Chinese phrasing / word detection function to the app?

In Bibtex there is the `authortype` field which allows users to define their own authors' attribute, which can be incorporated into the csl style as part of the citation data....


**Playbook Configuration**: My `vars.yml` file looks like this: ```yaml --- # The bare domain name which represents your Matrix identity. # Matrix user ids for your server will be of...

In `pdf-annot-markup-annotation-types`, we see a long list of "defined markup annotation types". ```elisp (text link free-text line square circle polygon poly-line highlight underline squiggly strike-out stamp caret ink file sound)...

feature request

**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. `midnight-minor-mode` fails to retain its effect on the buffer after annotations are saved or deleted. **Steps to...
