Sasha Kolpakov
Sasha Kolpakov
Generally a non-issue, rather a comment. > /Go-ICP/jly_3ddt.cpp:13:10: fatal error: 'malloc.h' file not found #include ^~~~~~~~~~ The error appears to be standard for MacOS, no matter ARM or Intel. Removing...
Added EfficientNet (v.2, small model) fine-tuning on Cifar-100 using Cerebros / ipynb notebook / py code
Added RegNet fine-tuning on Cifar-10 using Cerebros / ipynb notebook / py code
This test is based on Sam Blake's preprint "Integer Factorisation, Fermat & Machine Learning on a Classical Computer", arXiv:2308.12290 Detecting the ratio of semiprime factors may theoretically help improving the...
Added the use case of semiprime factors ratio detection (potentially useful for Lawrence's algorithm). Uploaded the train/test dataset, too.
Added EfficientNet (v.2, small model) fine-tuning on Cifar-10 using Cerebros / ipynb notebook / py code
Added RegNet fine-tuning on Cifar-100 using Cerebros / ipynb notebook / py code
Added DenseNet fine-tuning on Cifar-100 using Cerebros / ipynb notebook / py code
Added DenseNet fine-tuning on Cifar-10 using Cerebros / ipynb notebook / py code
Fine-tuning EfficientNet on Cifar-100 by using Cerebros.