I am a totally new user and I stumbled upon this myself, because xbps-query -Rs gave me a result which couldn't be xbps-install-ed. (e.g. signal-desktop)
Instead of just changing query into install and -Rs into -S I know also need to change S and D... Just putting it out there. Not sure how people normally... Clearly says fish version 3.6 should be compatible with the current tide version which it apparently isn't. Same issue on debian sid.
> --disable-gpu --in-process-gpu this helped me with my issue, but why is this neccessary now? It worked fine before. I am on debian testing.
> I found a solution in [another issue]( that fixed the white screen for me: Delete the contents of `~/.config/Element/GPUCache` (or `~/.config/Riot/GPUCache` if you upgraded to Element from Riot). >...
So today nothing works anymore? regardless how I start element-desktop it shows basically just black background? Edit: same issue, deleting GPUCache **and** starting it with --disable-gpu --in-process-gpu makes it...
> FTR, this is not an issue on nixos 23.11: no workaround needed and i get hardware acceleration finally. > > This can maybe be closed Just because you have...
We are using chocolatey in an environment with necessary VPN connection, this issue causes the agent to be unresponsive which in turn gives us no way to make sure there...
> Also, you can set a custom, fixed session name and use that as your "main" session to attach to by default. Where would I do that?