Trying the build using `npm install`, getting the following test case failure while building react-lifecycles-compat on PowerPC64LE - ppc64le:- ``` index.js → react-lifecycles-compat.min.js... created react-lifecycles-compat.min.js in 202ms > [email protected] test...
Trying the build using `npm install`, getting the following test case failure while building sha.js on PowerPC64LE - ppc64le:- ``` 277441c298b48bec9426878b36fa43ded530822c == ef717286343f6da3f4e6f68c6de02a5148a801c4 not ok 26 should be equal ---...
Trying to build `javax.mail` v1.5.6 and v1.6.2 (REPOSITORY="") on ppc64le platform, however facing the following errors:- ``` [ERROR] /root/jasypt/jasypt-1.9.3/jasypt/src/test/java/org/jasypt/normalization/[41,129] unmappable character for encoding US-ASCII Tests in error: testEncryptAndDecrypt(org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40StringEncryptorTest): PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40...
I have made changes to the `scripts/` and `scripts/` for Power on the lines of the [Z changes]( Also done the setup required like creating the secret to pull redhat...
Facing the following error while running npm install on the node-psutil repo on PowerPC-ppc64le: ``` npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET - Not found...
Trying the build using `npm install`, getting the following test case failure while building performance-now on PowerPC64LE - ppc64le:- ``` > mocha && tsc --noEmit test/test-typings.ts now ✓ reported time...
Hi, I am trying to build/install opentracing-contrib/java-spring-jaeger on PPC64LE architecture with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0, using the maven command `./mvnw clean install`. However facing the below issues while loading...
Trying to build `plexus-archiver` v3.7.0 and v4.2.2 on ppc64le platform, however facing the following test case error:- ``` [ERROR] Tests run: 6, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:...