Sara Oppenheim
Sara Oppenheim
Thanks for your response! I've just added sortme to my QC pipeline, but below is what I currently do. The problem is that with the process starts from zero after...
Additional errors: Problem ! protein ID not found into the protein fasta file! Use of uninitialized value $prot_tag in concatenation (.) or string at /home/soppenheim/mendel-nas1/miniconda3/envs/agat/bin/ line 1000. We cannot check...
Hi Jaques, I'm going to try an exonerate run and I've installed the missing dependency. In the meantime, here are some lines from my pblat-based gff: ``` Aatri_ctg9 BLAT match_part...
Follow up: when I tried installing perl-xml-twig in my agat env, I got "All requested packages already installed." On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 1:01 PM Sara Oppenheim ***@***.***> wrote:...
I now have some exonerate output but I'm still getting errors when I run the script: -------------------------------- parse features -------------------------------- => GFF version parser used: 2 [Fri Aug 6 17:34:01...
I got it to run by manually editing the exonerate output, but the output from was incorrect. Agat reported "no protein aligned" for all genes, but in my exonerate...
Could you share a few lines of a Maker-produced exonerate file so I can compare? Sara On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 6:51 AM Jacques Dainat ***@***.***> wrote: > When...
So looking through Maker it is clear that a lot of post-processing is applied to the exonerate output, see /maker-3.01.03/lib/Widget/exonerate/ Do you have any interest in modifying agat_sp_load_function_from_protein_align so...
Here is my exonerate command: exonerate --model protein2genome --softmasktarget --showalignment no --showtargetgff yes --score 500 --percent 70 --bestn 10 --query testSet_insectProts.fasta --target scaffold2.fasta > insectProts2scaffold2.gff The files are attached! insectProts2scaffold2.gff...
I have updated the example files and shared them here: My exonerate command: exonerate --model protein2genome --showvulgar yes --showquerygff no --softmasktarget \ --showalignment no --showtargetgff --score 300 --percent 50...