Morgane Glidic

Results 21 comments of Morgane Glidic

Glad to hear you like eventd so far. ### Pausing *This part is in the context of eventd as a whole, not just as a notification daemon.* Pausing is on...

You’re right, you can only interact with them via `eventdctl flags` currently. The core can touch them, and the `[Flags]` action would be in the core, probably (or in some...

Hi, thanks for loving eventd :-) It is totally doable, but I don’t think it belongs to the `nd` plugin. Abstracting the window system is already a bit hard, abstracting...

For eventd, it is easier to delegate such a feature to the compositor, yes. Under Windows it might not be possible but I don’t mind for now, I’m pretty sure...

I am not sure I understand the Bluez stuff… Do you suggest an event collection plugin or an action plugin to forward to Bluetooth devices? The Android notifier protocol is...

It is unlikely that I will migrate to libpurple 3 until the API settled a bit, which probably means until the official stable release.

Is this issue still there in latest release? And in `master`? (And if yes to both, could you try `wip/wayland` built with `--with-display-backend=xcb`)

From the top of my head, I’d say doing that involves grabbing only our bindings, instead of the full input It would be a pretty big rework of the bindings...

Where is the explanation of this feature? How the user is supposed to know what it’ll do? How are we supposed to know what to review? It needs **at least**...

You still didn’t describe “non-sensitivity to keyboard layout” at all… Also, it sounds like something people would want *in addition* to all the already existing matching methods, which again makes...