@Yuliang-Zou Yeah looks like that was the problem. Changed it to `dataset/pascal_voc_seg/ `and it is running now! Thank you! So I think my next step should be generating tfrecords for...
@Yuliang-Zou I trained the model on Pascal VOC and have a few issues with it. The loss and accuracy don't almost change through training. I have attached a screenshot here....
@Yuliang-Zou Thank you so much for your quick response. I tried 30k the result was better but not as expected. It only got to ~30% acc as shown in the...
Yeah, sure. I have attached a file that has the warning messages. And I think you are right about the variables being from the decoder part (at least most of...
That makes sense and I understood that you used the pixel-level labels to get image-level labels. What I am not sure about is the following? 1. Can one use your...
That makes sense. I'll give it a try see how it goes. Thank you so much for your help!
@Yuliang-Zou Thank you so much for your help! I followed your guidance and it worked. I have one more question though! Is there an easy way to get pixel accuracy,...
That is for classification, right? Should I not use something similar to [this]( for pixel accuracy?
BTW, I added ``` metric_map['eval_pix_acc'] = tf.metrics.accuracy( labels=labels, predictions=predictions, weights=weights) ``` after [this line]( and it seems to be working. Not sure if it actually gives me the overall pixel...