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A solution would be having having BetterDiscord show up as an installed app, so we can simply launch BetterDiscord instead of launching Discord and have it check if the injection...
So like having the installer as an installed app, more or less, with a built-in check to detect if we already have Discord installed but the discord injection missing (like...
Also, I have problems finding out the code I need to add in keymap.json to re-map `Ctrl`-`\`` to show-hide minimap...
I have the index.php which is the script of this project, and other (sub)folders with index.php files, and none of those are shown in the list of files.
Agreed. This is needed. I like to have subtitles on so I can see the nearby sounds, but that interferes with the coordinates position. I'd rather have the coordinates in...
A "Random" button, for each category may be a good idea... or a few color themes, to choose from...
Yeah, I was just about to ask for a demo (since I have no idea how to actually get it working in my Electron app), but I see someone already...
Also: * What explicit versioning is not? * What disadvantages does explicit versioning have? * When should I not use explicit versioning? * Why should I not use explicit versioning?...
Since there are people who prefer a different versioning system. That would be the only disadvantage I can think of...