Siwei Zhang

Results 7 issues of Siwei Zhang

Hi: I cannot find the pretrained model for car and flower dataset in the link you provide, could you please update it? Thank you!

Hi, Depth ground truth for testing in this code are generated from some information and parameters from the kitti raw data, while some other papers used the kitti depth annotations...

Hi, Since the depth net and pose net are trained jointly, they must benefit from each other. Is it possible to only train the DispNet alone as a supervised problem...

Hi, I got validation result of ~ 78% for mIoU on cityscapes with pspnet model, but when I try to finetune this model on the training set of cityscapes, after...

I can only achieve a mIoU of ~ 52% using the trained model of PSPNet on the val set even with the full resolution on cityscapes with this psp model,...

Hi, Thanks for the excellent work! Will you provide demo script using SPEC/KAMA in step 1, as described in the paper?

Hi: Do you have pretrained models? Thank you!