
Results 3 issues of HE.Zheng-Shan

`fastme -i ref-dist-mat.phy -o skim-phylogeny.tre` I've found one value "1.3258646818430182e-06" in dimtrx_main.txt (attached below), and I modified it to "0.00000132586468184301". But, FastMe still give the error warning. [dimtrx_main.txt](https://github.com/shahab-sarmashghi/Skmer/files/11560441/dimtrx_main.txt)

2) Running assembly (Sprai) (Wed Oct 28 11:56:12 CST 2020) 2.1- Creating the ec.spec file for Sprai. 2.2- Creating the pbasm.spec file for Sprai. 2.3- Running Sprai. 2.3- Analyzing the...

Genome sequences and annotation gff files of _Apostasia shenzhenica_ and _Phalaenopsis equestris_ were downloaded from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/66931 ftp://ftp.genomics.org.cn/pub/Orchid_Phalaenopsis_equestris/ ``` python generate_conf.py -p Ash Ashenzhenica.genome.fasta Ashenzhenica.gene.gff python generate_conf.py -p Peq Pequestris.genome.fasta Pequestris.gene.gff...