i think he means defining a [native-specific extension](—r3f already does this with the canvas implementation— to resolve the actual url of the asset before proceeding with loading it. I’d love...
@janicduplessis What device are you using to reproduce this issue? We are seeing the same thing when installing codepush updates but only on certain Android devices.
> This happens on a Pixel 4 api 31 emulator Thanks, I was able to repro using a real device earlier today though. Worked around it by downgrading to 2.2.4,...
Hello there! Can you upload a sample project?
Hey! Sorry, just so we are clear, what is it that you are reporting here?
As long as you execute `setResetOnAppUninstallTo(false)` *before* retrieving or setting some value using the library(perhaps at you apps' entry point) you should be ok, no? `resetOnAppUninstall` is by default `@YES`...
Could you provide a sample project? I've not tried to replicate this, but looking at the code I see that `RnSksIsAppInstalled` is used as the second condition [here](, where we...
What i have realized now is that this works fine, but if you set `resetOnAppUninstall` to `true` it will delete the data the next time you use `get` or `set`...
Any ideas on how to workaround this?
Related to #165